Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wednesday 30th June 9:30am

A) Sumo deadlift - banded
1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1
30 sec between reps
@ 50% max DL, with black bands

Felt good, not too heavy. Would like to try with the purple band (guys RX). Jesse explained that sumo deads work more in the hamstring and legs vs regular deadlift working the back; ie limiting factor on each is different.

B) 30 box jumps, 24"

Did the first 14 in a row, had a good rhythm, then hit a wall and slowed down somewhat.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tuesday June 29th 4:30pm

Team WOD
RX for group of 5:
300 pullups
400 pushups
500 situps
600 squats
One person must be working wearing a 20lb vest at all times

Our group of 3 (Heather Beatty, Ali & myself) had to complete 180 pullups, 240 pushups, 300 situps and 360 squats; time was 22:07 (I think).

I did 144 squats, 45 pullups, 65 or 75 pushups and 85 situps (approx on all but squats). All squats and some situps with weight vest. I used the green band for pullups and pushups were on knees and knuckles (sprained wrist).

Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday June 25th

1200m row (RX: 1100m run)
10 rounds of:
5 clapping push ups on parralettes (RX: full clapping pushups)
10 pullups (green)
15 double unders
1200m row (RX: 1100m run)

DNF at end of 8th round @ 48:47 I think. Had to go to a meeting at work. Came back and snuck into the 9:30 class to finish off the WOD. Yeah!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wednesday June 23rd

12 x 2 rep box squats, 75lb (rx: 70% 1RM squat = 95lb)

6 x banded power clean @ same weight as yesterday
Well, I did 3 of these, one at 40.5lb and two at 52.5lb. Was difficult, and they were more full cleans than power. Cleaning 95lb afterwards felt fine, not too different to normal, except that I don't think I needed to squat very deep.

Tuesday June 22 2010

Power Clean
1 every minute on the minute, 6 reps

3 rounds for time of:
800m run
50 good mornings w/ pvc
50 sit ups


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Monday 21st May 2010

Split Jerk yay
1 - 1 - 1
95 105 115

also, 3 unsuccessful attempts at 125.

12 minute AMRAP
3 ring dip (purple band)
6 KB swing, 16kg (rx:24kg)
12 OH lunge, 35lb

6 & 1/3 rounds

Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday June 18th

Shoulder press
5 - 5 - 5
50 55 60(f. on 5th rep)

Row (for calories)
Bench press @ 60% 1rm (55lb)


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wednesday June 16th

12 x 2 reps Box squat @ 65lb

10 rounds for time:
10 sit ups
10 good mornings w/ purple band
10 lunges

