Sunday, January 31, 2010

Foundations 6

Handstands: against wall & HSPU (used green & purple bands for assistance)
Ring dips: hmmm, couldn't hold this up straight. Did a couple dips with purple? band for assistance
Pullups: Couldn't move from the deadhang at all really, but cranked out a couple with the blue band. Tried kipping swings.

WOD: Half Tabata
Pullups 5,4,0,0
Box jumps 6,6,5,5
Abmats 7,8,7,8
Air Squats 9,10,9,9

Friday, January 29, 2010

Foundations 3: AMRAP in 12 minutes

Front Squat - did a bunch with the 33lb bar, and tried a set of 5 with 10lb on. Felt okay on these, but I always start to struggle when the volume of reps gets high.
Overhead Squat - got out 1 with the 33lb bar (and a half, before dumping the bar), then worked with the pvc pipe for form.
Skipping - tried a few double unders, didn't get more than one in a row, but a few times I kept going into singles without tripping myself up.

50 skips
10 front squats
50m Farmer's carry

I managed 5 squats with the 33lb bar, then did the rest with PVC pipe, and carried 2x8kg KB for the Farmer's carry.

Managed 4&2/3 rounds, was about 7 seconds too slow to make the full 5 rounds!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Foundations 1

25 lunges
3 sets of:
10 KB swings (16kg, 12kg, 8kg)
10 abmat
10 squat
10 lunges

- 50 lunges were prescribed, but wasn't able to manage that.
- started with the 16kg kettlebell in the first set, and worked down from there.
-broke up the KB swings & squats into about 4,3,3

Hard work this Crossfit!
