Thursday, February 2, 2012

Flippin' sleds and takin' names!

What an exciting day it has been! Boz and I moved into a new apartment yesterday, it is a super big upgrade from the poky, stinky, weirdly laid out old place. I took the day off work today so I could have some time to unpack, and arrange the new place how I wanted it!
Since that was mostly taken care of by lunchtime, and since the wind picked up, Boz suggested we take the kites out.
We headed down to the breakwater in the little white car, and "skinned" (without skins, apparently they don't stick when the thermometer say -25) out through the pack ice. This stuff is so cool, there are some pretty amazing formations out there! It was cold with the windchill bringing the temp down to -37, so the aim of the game was to move fast, and cover any exposed skin.
Boz talked me through how to set up and get going, and then helped me launch the Ozone Access 6m, and I was kiteskiing. It was really cool, a little scary and very easy to see why people love kiting so much. I skied along for a bit, and then called it a day when the wind started gusting a little too hard for me.
Later in the afternoon, I needed to move the snowmobile from the old house to the new house. I got the rundown on the sled trail that works it's way through town and up the hill to the Road to Nowhere, where we now live :) It was a fun ride, and like I'd been taught, I gassed it whenever I thought the trail looked a bit sketchy. Including where the trailhead was block by a snow bank on an intersecting trail. I gassed it right through the obstruction, right over the bank, right into the 3-way intersection! The sled was laying on it's side, and I was suddenly laying on the road in the middle of an intersection, with a few drivers jumping out of their cars to right the sled for me. I let Boz take it the rest of the way home from there, and jumped back in the car. Lucky he was following me home!
All in all, it was a really super fun day, and I can't wait to jump back on the sled, head out to the sea ice, and go fly a kite!
